Feb 18, 2025  
2022-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2024 Undergraduate Catalog


(410) 951-3600 or (800) 635-3674
Fax: (410) 523-7351

Admission to Coppin State University is granted to applicants whose academic potential and personal qualifications indicate their ability to succeed at the University regardless to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status, disability, or veteran status according to the Board of Regents and the University System of Maryland admissions policies. (See Appendix A).

Admissions Procedures


To apply for admission to Coppin State University, students are requested to submit the admissions application online at coppin.edu. New applicants are provided instructions to create personal student accounts and to check application status online.

Priority Application Deadline

Admissions applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. The priority deadline to submit an admissions application to Coppin State University is:

December 1st Spring
March 1st Fall

Application Fee

All applicants should return the required completed forms with the non-refundable $50 application fee (check or money order only) to Student Accounts in the Business Office. Be certain to include the applicant’s name on the check or money order. Return to:

Coppin State University
Student Accounts Office
2500 W. North Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21216

High School Transcripts

Freshman applicants are required to submit all official high school transcripts directly to the Admissions Office. Freshman applicants must have all official final grades with verification of high school graduation submitted to the Admissions Office. Transfer and International applicants must adhere to the appropriate guidelines below.

Standard Admission Test Scores

Freshman applicants must submit their official Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT-I) or American College Test (ACT) scores directly to the Admissions Office. Coppin State University applicants should indicate code 5122 on the SAT or code 1688 on the ACT to have scores automatically forwarded to CSU Admissions Office. Students are strongly encouraged to take such tests during the junior year of high school or by November of the senior year.

Guidelines for Freshman Admissions

A freshman student is a student who is currently enrolled in high school or has graduated from high school within three (3) years of intended enrollment and has never enrolled in college as a degree seeking student. Freshman applicants who have successfully completed and satisfied the academic profile are granted admission.(See Appendix A)

High School Curriculum Requirements

Each freshman applicant must have earned a high school diploma or state approved equivalent from an accredited institution to include:

  • 4 years of English
  • 3 years of Biological and Physical Sciences
  • 3 years of Social Science or History
  • 4 years of Mathematics (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II/Formal Logic excluding non-trivial algebra)
  • Two years of Foreign Language, Advanced Technology Education Electives

In addition to transcripts and standardized test scores, an essay, interview, recommendations, extra-curricular activities, special talents, evidence of leadership, achievements, advanced level coursework or other assessments may be required for admissions consideration.

Guaranteed Admissions

Freshman applicants whose high school average is a B or better and whose SAT critical reading, writing and mathematics scores are each 470 or greater or whose ACT composite score is 21 or greater are guaranteed admissions to the University. All other students are admitted based upon space availability or other prerequisites. Admission will be granted to no more than 15% of all freshmen whose projected freshman year GPA is less than 2.0. (Criteria to be institutionally vetted/ consult Executive Leadership)

High School Equivalency Diploma (GED)

Maryland residents who are at least 16 years old and who have not received a high school diploma may be considered for admissions provided that they have earned the approved high school General Education Development (GED) equivalency and satisfied other prerequisites such as SAT scores and other assessments.

High School Course Requirements

An applicant whose high school transcript does not include the aforementioned High School academic requirements may be admitted with the understanding that deficiencies and high school requirements must be completed as stipulated by the Academic Advisement Office or the Division of Academic Affairs.

Non-Accredited High Schools

Freshman applicants who are graduates of non-accredited or non-approved high schools will be reviewed individually. Admissions consideration will be based upon standardized tests, academic curriculum, essays, recommendations, interview, and performance of students with similar academic preparation, secondary-level assessments or other criteria. A home schooled student must demonstrate compliance with state and local education regulations coupled with the requirements of nationally standardized examination such as the SAT or ACT test.

Concurrent or Dual Enrollment

Local high school students who satisfy the requirements for early admissions while still enrolled in high school may do so provided that they have the approval of their parents and the high school principal. Fees are charged at the same rate as for undergraduate students or in accordance with MHEC guidelines.

The Office of Transfer and Transition Service

A transfer student is a student who has earned twelve (12) or more credits from a regionally accredited institution. All transfer students must submit an admissions application and official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended. When applicants have attended multiple institutions, a cumulative grade point average will be computed from all previous college work attempted.

Transfer Admission Criteria

Transfer students who have a 2.0 cumulative grade point average or greater in course work from all previously attended institutions and who are in good academic standing at the most recently attended institution will be admitted and awarded transferable credits.

Admission of Transfer Students

This section applies to students who have earned at least twelve or more university parallel credits during a regular term or terms following high school graduation. Credits earned in courses taken during the first summer following high school graduation, concurrently with high school, by Advanced Placement, or by examination are not to be counted in the twelve. Each institution shall publish its own decision criteria that may be more rigorous than the system wide minimum stated below.

Minimum Requirements

  1. All transfer students must have a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale, or its equivalent, for all attempted college-level work.
  2. Students who have completed 23 or fewer credits are also required to meet minimum qualifications as set forth in Part I of this policy. Generally, transfer students with fewer than 24 transferable credits or lacking prerequisite courses must adhere to the criteria established by the Academic Advisement Office. Admitted transfer students seeking to enroll at the university will receive a transfer evaluation detailing awarded transfer credit and its equivalence to courses offered at CSU. Admission will be granted to no more than 15% of all transfer applicants whose combined GPA is less than 2.0.

Coppin at Hagerstown

Coppin State University currently offers several degree programs at the University System of Maryland in Hagerstown. For specific programs and information, visit: www.coppin.edu/hagerstown

Admission of Coppin at Hagerstown Students

Coppin at Hagerstown students must be either transfer students or second baccalaureate students. They apply through the transfer student application process as previously outlined. The Campus Director for Coppin at Hagerstown is available to assist perspective students with the application and enrollment process.

Freshman Transfer

A freshman transfer student is a student who has earned less than twelve (12) [twenty-four (24)] transferrable credits from an accredited institution. Applicants seeking admission as a freshman transfer must:

  • possess at least a 2.0 collegiate average
  • satisfy requirements for freshman students including standardized test scores

Maryland Community College Transfers

Admissions priority will be granted to Maryland Community College students who have earned at least 56 transferable credits or have earned an Associate of Arts degree. Maryland resident transfer students who have attended two or more institutions may be considered for transfer admission if transfer applicants have a combined GPA of 2.0 or greater and are in good academic standing at the last institution attended.

Transfer Credits

Transfer credit will be accepted at Coppin State University for course work completed at any regionally accredited college or university. Students transferring from community colleges, or 4-year institutions are not awarded transfer credits for remedial or developmental courses. Credits are awarded for all courses that have been articulated by the appropriate academic department as approved by the established guidelines of the Academic Affairs Division or designated body.

Transfer credit is granted if a student has earned a grade of “C” or better. The grade of “D” is transferable only if it is part of a granted Associate of Arts degree or if the overall cumulative average from all sending institutions is 2.0 or greater. However, the grade of “D” in English courses or in courses required for the major is not transferable. All transfer credits from the institution not on the semester system will be converted to semester credits. Coppin State University will accept up to 70 credits from two-year colleges and 90 credits from four-year colleges. In all cases, the applicant must complete the final 30 credit hours in residence at the University. See Appendix A / USM Policy III-4.00/COMAR 13B.

Evaluation of Transfer Credits

Transfer students who have been accepted to the University will receive transfer evaluations based upon all transcripts submitted. Students should use the evaluation when meeting the academic advisor to determine the courses needed to complete their major and degree requirements. Students should review the evaluation to determine that all acceptable transfer credits are listed. Students with discrepancies may file an appeal of the transfer evaluation decision. To appeal this process, students must: submit a typed and signed letter outlining the transfer discrepancy; the student’s name, ID number, mailing address and email address. The appeal letter must be submitted within 30 working days prior to the end of the first semester of enrollment. Appeals may be sent to: Transfer Coordinator, Transfer & Transition Services, Coppin State University, 2500 W. North Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21216. At the end of the first semester of attendance, the rules for continuing students are applied to transfer students. The cumulative grade point average for transfer students does not include the transferred credits and quality points. Transfer credits and quality points are ONLY calculated when determining graduation with honors.

Community College Partnership Agreements/Guaranteed Admissions Agreements

A Guaranteed Admission Agreement is an arrangement between a two-year institution (community college) and a four-year institution to provide a clear plan of transfer for academically successful students. These agreements are also known as 2+2 agreements as it is intended that the student will complete two years at a community college and two years at a 4-year institution and earn a bachelor’s degree. Students who meet the qualifications for admission at Coppin State University and who adhere to the requirements of the agreement will essentially be “guaranteed” admissions as a student with Junior standing. Current guaranteed admissions agreements are published on the Transfer & Transition Services website at www.coppin.edu/transfer.

Articulation Agreement

An Articulation Agreement is an officially approved agreement between two institutions, which allows a student to apply credits earned in specific programs at one institution towards advanced standing, entry or transfer into a specific program at the other institution. An Articulation Agreement can have several advantages for the student. It matches coursework between schools and so helps students make a smooth transition from one institution to another by minimizing duplication of coursework. If a community college has an Articulation Agreement with a four-year institution, the student will know that if he takes the appropriate courses at the community college, then those courses will transfer for credit at the four-year college. Current articulation agreements are published on the Transfer & Transition Services website at www.coppin.edu/transfer.

Reverse Transfer Agreements

A reverse transfer agreement allows students to earn their associate degree from a two-year college while beginning their bachelor’s degree at Coppin State University. Reverse transfer is a degree-completion opportunity for students who have started their education at a community college and transfer to Coppin State University prior to the completion of their associate degree. A reverse transfer agreement may allow a student to reduce his/her time to degree and student debt. Current reverse transfer agreements are published on the Transfer & Transition Services website at www.coppin.edu/transfer.

Guidelines for Re-Admission

Any previously matriculated student who does not attend the University for one or more semesters must apply for readmission to the University. Readmit students must consult the Records and Registration Office for application procedures. Re-admit students must adhere to the re-admissions process, criteria and guidelines established by the Records and Registration Office.

Guidelines for Admission as a Non-Degree Seeking Student

A Non-Degree seeking student is a student who is taking courses, but is not formally admitted to degree-seeking program status. Non-Degree seeking applicants must submit:

  • A Non-Degree admissions application, and
  • An official high school transcript verifying graduation
  • High school diploma or similar document
  • GED or high school equivalency
    A college transcript from an accredited institution verifying high school graduation. Non-Degree seeking students are ineligible to receive federal financial aid. Non-Degree seeking students are allowed to take courses not to exceed 55 credits before changing to degree-seeking status. Generally, non-degree students are limited to fewer than 12 credits per semester. Consult Records and Registration for approval and restriction guidelines.

Admission of Non-Degree Students

  1. Minimum Requirements
    Procedures for admitting non-degree students shall be established by each institution. Criteria for changing from non-degree to degree status must be equivalent to, or exceed the minimum requirements set forth in this policy, sections II.A., 1 and 2, for students transferring between Maryland public institutions.
  2. Concurrent Enrollment
    Concurrent Enrollment may be granted to a high school student who has demonstrated superior scholarship, as evidenced by his or her academic record or performance on standardized entrance examinations. Each institution may allow such students to enroll in its undergraduate classes concurrently with their enrollment in high school.

Guidelines for Admission of Non-Degree Seeking to Degree-Seeking Status

To obtain degree-seeking status, the non-degree seeking student must follow the same procedures for admission as required for applicants seeking general admission to the University. Additionally, students must adhere to the following as a non-degree student to be considered for admissions in a degree-seeking program:

  • Earn a cumulative 2.0 or better GPA
  • Earn 12 college level credits
  • Re-apply for degree seeking admissions consideration once achieved.

Guidelines for International Student Admissions

An international student applying for admission should submit a completed application with all documentation by March 1st for the fall semester or December 1st for the spring semester. Students applying for their bachelor’s degree must adhere to the following:

  1. Submit a completed international application packet from the Office of Admissions.
  2. Submit a non-refundable admissions application fee in U.S. dollars. A check from U.S. Bank or U.S. money order must accompany all applications.
  3. Submit the following documentation:
    1. Official or notarized secondary school academic records showing grades received annual mark sheets, examination certificates, and leaving certificate as they apply to the educational system in the student’s home country. Records must be received for each of the last four years of secondary school or Advanced Level Scores.
    2. Official or notarized record (transcripts) of all colleges, universities, post-secondary or professional schools attended.
    3. A notarized English translation of all documents. Translations must be as literal as possible with no attempts to translate information into the United States System of
    4. Education. The University requires the use of American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) or Association of International Educators (NAFSA) for course-by-course evaluation and admissions guidelines purposes. The AACRAO website is http://aacrao.org/aacrao-solutions/international-education-services/evaluations.
    5. Proof of English language proficiency of non-native English speakers by submitting either:
      1. An official Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) results. All international applicants from countries whose native language is not English are required to take the TOEFL and earn a score of at least 500 (paper based) or 173 (computer based). Applicants must make their own arrangements for taking the TOEFL test. Inquiries should be made to TOEFL/TSE Services, P.O. Box 6151, Princeton, New Jersey 08561-6151, USA. The TOEFL web site is www.toefl.org. The completed TOEFL form and the application fee must be sent to the ETS Office to insure timely receipt for processing at Coppin State University. The Coppin State University ETS code is 5122.
      2. An official Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT-I) or American College Testing (ACT) result as established by the University System of Maryland and Maryland Higher Education Commission. All students, who have not completed one full year of post-secondary school course work, i.e., 24 United States credit hours, must take SAT-I or ACT.
        1. Financial certification. Applicants are required to provide official financial statements (i.e. bank statements) verifying that approximately US $23,000* is available annually in U.S. dollars to cover tuition, fees and living expenses. International students are required to pay out of state fees.
        2. Tuition and fees amount are subject to change. Contact the Office of Admissions for updated information.)
  1. Visa Status
    International students admitted to the University will receive from the Admissions Office the immigration forms needed to secure a student visa from the American Consulate. All admitted international students must notify the International Student Services Program and Records Office of his or her new local campus (if applicable) and permanent mailing addresses. International students may only attend Coppin State University as a full-time degree-seeking student. Admitted international students should be prepared to pay all of their expenses for a minimum of one year prior to receiving an I-20. The University does not provide federal financial assistance for international students. Applicants who have been accepted for admission will receive the Certificate of Eligibility I-20 form. This document is used by the student to apply for an F-1 student visa at an American Embassy or Consulate overseas. An I-20 is used for transferring from one institution in the United States to another. Undergraduate F-1 students will be expected to enroll as full-time degree-seeking students with a minimum of 12-semester hour credits. Immigration regulations forbid persons on student visas from accepting paid employment during their first year in the United States. Applicants who hold permanent residence or parole visa status must list their alien registration number (A#) in the space indicated on the undergraduate application. They are processed for fee purposes as State residents if it is proven that they have established legal domicile in Maryland for one year. A copy of the applicant’s alien registration card for verification must be submitted to the Office of Admissions.

Guidelines for Non-Traditional Admissions

Early Admissions

Coppin State University conditionally admits a limited percentage of students at the completion of the junior year in high school. Although such applicants follow the freshman application process, they must also submit a letter of recommendation from the high school counselor or principal and a notarized permission statement from the parent(s).

Other Applicants

A mature adult applicant may be defined as one who is older than the traditional undergraduate, and meets one or more of the following criteria: The applicant is financially independent;

  • The applicant’s primary responsibility is to duties other than being a student;
  • The applicant has not been enrolled in an educational institution for three years or more.

A mature applicant is a student who has earned a high school diploma or equivalent with a GPA of “C” or better and is more than three years beyond high school enrollment. Mature Applicants must:

  • Submit documentation proving financial independence (i.e.: dependent’s birth certificate, active military enlistment, or other documentation requested by the Admissions Department.)

Students with a high school diploma or equivalency and at least three years in education are not required to submit SAT-I or ACT scores.

Students are, however, required to submit a formal application and give official transcripts of all academic work completed. An interview with a member of the Admissions Staff is encouraged, and students must meet placement testing requirements.

Credit by Examination

Advanced Placement and Credit for Entering Students

Freshmen who have had the opportunity to complete advanced-level work and would like academic credit as well as advanced placement are encouraged to take the Advanced Placement Tests of the University Entrance Examination during their senior year of secondary school. Arrangements to take the tests are made through the high school counselor or Advance Placement (AP) Services, P.O. Box 6671, Princeton, New Jersey 08541-6671. Academic credits may be awarded with official score reports confirming qualifying scores. Consult the Records and Registration Office for current guidelines and credits granted by the University. Visit www.collegeboard.com for Advanced Placement information.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Coppin State University accepts credits for qualifying scores on the General Examination and Subject Examinations of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Consult the Records and Registration Office for the current guidelines and credits granted by the University.

Admissions to a Major

Admission to the university is not an automatic guarantee of admission to a major program or college. All degree seeking students must officially declare a major. Each major department or college screens and accepts its own students. Contact the Academic Advisement Office and Academic Chairperson to learn the procedures to declare a major.

Maryland Residency

A determination of in-state status for purposes of admission, tuition and fees is made upon admission and remains in effect until successfully challenged according to the petition and academic calendar guidelines. Students may request re-evaluation of residency status by filing a petition and providing documentation by the last day of late registration for the semester for which the student wishes to be classified as in-state resident. A student can submit only one petition per semester. Appendix B includes the policy governing eligibility for in-state status.

NOTE: The University is continuously evaluating its admissions requirements. All applicants are encouraged to check with the Admissions Office for the most current admissions policy and procedures.

Appeal Process

To appeal an admissions decision, submit a written request to the Director of Admissions at Coppin State University for review. Appeal decisions are communicated to students in writing.

Tuition, Fees, and Related Expenses 2020-2021


“Coppin State University reserves the right to adjust tuition, fees and other charges when deemed necessary, without notice, per the institution and the University System of Maryland’s Board of Regents.” The 2020-2021 rates has been reviewed and approved by state legislation and the University System of Maryland Board of Regents.


Students are responsible for the purchase of books and supplies for their courses. The cost of books and supplies ranges from $500 to $1500 per semester.

Payment Policy

All tuition and fees are payable no later than the date indicated for the term by the Bursar’s Office unless a student elects to use the Sallie Mae Tuition Pay Plan. Veterans are subject to the same payment requirements as non-veteran students.

All checks or money orders should be made payable to Coppin State University for the exact amount of the charges. To ensure proper credit, the student must write his/her student ID# on all checks and money orders submitted to the University.

All previous balances must be paid prior to registration for the following academic semester. A non-refundable application fee of $35 must accompany the application for admission. This fee will not affect student charges. If accepted, each applicant must pay a non-refundable acceptance fee of $25.00.

All students are responsible for all charges incurred for the semesters in which they enroll regardless of attendance or eligibility for financial aid. Any student who withdraws (from the University or a course) must withdraw in accordance with the policies and procedures set forth in the University Catalog and schedule of classes for the semester in which he enrolls in order to have charges adjusted or not be held liable for charges. If a student does not adhere to the proper withdrawal procedures, he/she forfeits the right to any refund and waiver of a liability to the University.

If a student’s account becomes delinquent, the University will pursue collection of all outstanding balances under regulations of the State of Maryland. Accounts not paid to the University will be referred to the Central Collection Unit of the State of Maryland for possible legal action. The student is liable for the outstanding balance and collection costs in an amount approximately equal to 17% of the unpaid balance. The student’s credit rating will be affected

Payment Options

The University accepts payments by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex, Cash and Checks. Checks are to be made payable to the University. Two party, post-dated and starter checks are not accepted.

Payments may be made in person at the Cashier’s Station (Administration Bldg. 2nd level) or online via Web Pay by logging into your EagleLINKS account. Also, a drop box has been installed at Cashier’s Station for those who wish to make payments after the posted business hours. This drop box is emptied each morning and a receipt is sent in the mail.

Sallie Mae Tuition Pay Plan

Tuition Pay is the interest-free, debt-free way to spread tuition payments over a number of months. The Tuition Pay Plan via Sallie Mae is not a loan, so there are no interest payments, only an enrollment fee. The plan allows you to break down your education expenses into easy-to-manage installments, rather than one lump-sum payment. It’s simple and convenient. Just visit: https://tuitionpay.salliemae.com/coppin or call Sallie Mae at (800) 635-0120.

Third Party Contracts

In order to properly bill an employer/organization that is assisting with a student’s cost of attendance, all Third Party Billing Authorization form(s) are to be submitted to the Controller’s Office, to the attention of: Accounting Specialist

Please note that all students are responsible for his/her account should your employer/organization decides not to pay.

Charge Reduction and Refund Policy

The following schedule indicates the University’s Charge Reduction/Refund Policy for fall and spring semesters only. This refund policy is subject to revision. Please see the Controller’s Office for details.

Before the end of each registration period and prior to the start of classes for the semester-all tuition and fees will be refunded.

By the fourteenth calendar day after the official beginning of classes for the semester-all tuition and fees will be refunded.

Beginning with the fifteenth day and until the twenty-eighth day after the official beginning of classes for the semester only 50 percent of tuition will be refunded.

Students who register for a full-time schedule and who drop courses such that after the start of classes for the semester, have a part-time schedule, are not entitled to a refund or charge reduction based on a credit hour change.

Charge Reduction and Refund Policy for winter mini-mesters and Summer University Sessions Please refer to the published Reduction and Refund Policy schedule for the mini-mesters and sessions. Please go to the Student Accounts page via the University’s webpage

Refund Policy for Financial Aid Recipients Financial Aid recipients who withdraw during the refund period may not be entitled to the awarded funds for the semester due to non-attendance. Awarded funds are returned to the respective grant/loan program(s). Please contact the Student Financial Aid Office for questions or concerns.