Sep 11, 2024  
2022-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2024 Undergraduate Catalog

Student Support Services

Support Services for Students

The University provides a number of services and activities designed to meet students’ total needs for personal and academic growth and development.

The First Year Experience (FYE)

The First Year Experience (FYE) is one of five academic resource programs within University College for undergraduate students during their first and second year of matriculation. Committed to building and supporting partnerships that contribute to students’ capability to enjoy degree completion in four years, the First Year Experience opens the pathway to degree completion with academic advisement in the General Education Program. Initiatives such as “Meet and Greet” for Transfer Students, workshops and seminars on topics such as best practices for study skills designed for students and families, test taking strategies, restructuring note taking and study skills for successful course completion are some examples of student engagement sponsored by the First Year Experience. In addition, students are provided opportunities throughout the year to join the First Year Experience Steering Committee. (The FYE Student Steering Committee is a student advisory council for the First Year Experience dedicated to providing continuous access to resources that enrich matriculation and remove barriers to degree completion).

The First Year Experience also offers students the opportunity to seek membership in Alpha Lambda Delta, the First Year Experience Collegiate Honor Society. Alpha Lambda Delta was founded in 1924 by the Dean of Women, Maria Leonard, at the University of Illinois to recognize academic excellence among freshmen women. One year before, Dean Thomas Arkle Clark had founded Phi Eta Sigma, an honor society to recognize academic excellence among freshmen men. Both groups operated as single sex organizations until the mid-70s when they both became coeducational in response to Title IX.

At the first meeting of the chapter, Florence Finn, president of the society, presented a passage from Plato’s Republic in which Socrates asks the question, “Will they hold torches and pass them to one another…?”. This idea, together with the symbol of a candle and the concept of sharing the love of learning with others, caught the imagination of the charter members. The honor society soon became a national organization through the chartering of chapters at Purdue University in 1926, at DePauw University in 1927, at the University of Michigan in 1927, and at the University of Oklahoma in 1929. The first national convention was held in 1930 on the campus of the University of Illinois. Conventions were suspended during the depression years because of travel expenses. The third convention was held in 1938 at the University of Michigan. A decision was made at that convention to suspend holding a national convention and to invest those funds into establishing a graduate fellowship fund. The first fellowship was awarded to Louise Houssiere for graduate study at MIT in 1940. The Association of College Honor Societies was organized in 1925 to consider matters of mutual concern to member organizations; Alpha Lambda Delta has been active in the Association since its admission to membership in 1939. In 1976 in response to Title IX, the National Council voted for the Society to become coeducational. In 1981, the first two male members of the National Council were installed. Criteria for membership includes: full-time status; a 3.5GPA at the end of the first or second semester, or 3.5GPA cumulative average at the end of the first year of matriculation excluding failing and incomplete grades. The First Year Experience Program is located on the second floor of the Grace Hill Jacobs Building along with Academic Resource Centers for Math and Writing, and academic advisement in the General Education Program.

Counseling Program

The Coppin Counseling Center, located in the Miles W. Connor Administration Building, is staffed by professional counselors and paraprofessional peer counselors, to assist students in developing perspectives which will enable them to take full advantage of their experiences at Coppin. Counseling services are provided directly, via referral, and/or in collaboration with other professionals to assure that students receive the following: Individual counseling, in areas of personal/interpersonal relationships, attendance family, and social problems; Group counseling, to help them establish satisfying personal relationships and to become more effective in areas of interpersonal processes, communication skills, decision making, and establishment of personal values; Specialized programming and support services for freshmen, international, disabled and residential student populations; Assessment testing and interpretation of data to foster student self-understanding and decision making; Outreach services to address developmental concerns; Crisis intervention and emergency support; and other support services as necessary to assure a positive university experience.

Academic Advisement Program

The Coppin State University Academic Advising Center (UAAC) is a centralized academic advising center available to students during the weekday with extended hours. The Center is designed to meet the academic advising needs of students and to support the institution’s student retention and enrollment goals. The Center provides a centralized location for Coppin students to seek academic advising services and serves as a center-point for all the advising outlets on the campus, i.e. departmental faculty advisors, First Year Experience, athletics, honors programs and the mentoring initiatives. In addition to academic advisors being available in the Center to work directly with students, faculty with strong expertise to connect with students give time to the Center. The inclusion of faculty in the Center offers students an array of academic advisement resources to be success at Coppin State University.

Faculty Advisers

A student who has officially declared a major is assigned a faculty advisor. Students should confer with their faculty advisors at least twice during a semester to discuss academic performance, career goals, and course planning. Students also have as a resource, Academic Resource Center staff members to assist with advisement.

Advisement Process

Before registering for courses, students must see an advisor at least twice during the semester. During these meetings both the advisor and student will discuss fund. The first fellowship was awarded to Louise Houssiere for The general education requirements, course options, prerequisites, major requirements, The lack of satisfactory achievement in any course, The relationship between career goals and past and present academic performance, and/or the possible effects of involvement in extracurricular activities on academic performance. Students will work with their advisor in an atmosphere of partnership. It is critical for students to meet with their advisor during the early stage of each semester if they wish to build a schedule that reflects their needs.

Tutorial Services

Tutorial centers, whose services are free to Coppin students, are open daily. These centers specialize in serving students with needs in designated types of courses.

Academic Resource Center for Basic Skills

The University maintains a Reading and Writing Center as well as a Math Center. These centers, staffed by professional and student tutor and guided by an experienced Math Coordinator are open to all students throughout the calendar year. Students are encouraged to bring course-related assignments which will guide the focus and level of support needed and/or requested by students. Students do not need an appointment for tutoring and are encouraged to contact the Math and Writing Centers to request tutorial services prior to taking the Accuplacer placement exam. Retesting is allowed up to enrollment in the appropriate level of math, writing and college-level reading.

The Reading Laboratory

The Reading Laboratory, located in the Jacobs Classroom Building, provides services to all students. Tutorial services are provided to individuals and small groups by experienced peer tutors. Students are assisted with study skills, test-taking skills, and reading skills pertinent to success in academic subjects. Faculty referrals are accepted.

Career Services Center

The Coppin State University Career Services Center, located in the Tawes University Center, views career planning as an ongoing process that must be fostered throughout one’s life span. The Center provides career planning services that enable students to:

  1. Identify interests, skills, personal and work values and career goals;
  2. Explore occupations and careers;
  3. Make decisions relating to school, work, and career;
  4. Prepare resumes and cover letters;
  5. Develop good interviewing skills
  6. Learn networking and job search strategies;
  7. Locate summer, part-time and full-time jobs;
  8. Identify Internships, Cooperative Education and Summer Research experiences;
  9. Interview with employers on campus, and;
  10. Explore and apply to graduate and professional schools.

Center for Counseling and Student Development

The Coppin State University, Center for Counseling and Student Development (CCSD), located in the J. Millard Tawes University Center, is dedicated to providing a wide range of programs and services that empower students to persist academically, and to develop personally, and socially in a nurturing environment. Services are provided directly, via referral, and/or in collaboration with other professionals to assure that students receive the following:

  1. Individual counseling to assist them with personal concerns and to help them develop better coping strategies, resolve conflicts and handle crisis situations; Group counseling, to help them establish satisfying personal relationships and to become more effective in areas of interpersonal processes, communication skills, decision making, and establishment of personal values; Specialized programming and outreach services to address developmental needs to maximize their potential to benefit from the academic environment and experience, and;
  2. Crisis intervention and emergency support when experiencing personal trauma.

Career Development and Cooperative Education Center

The Coppin State University Career Development Center, located in the Tawes University Center, views career planning as a developmental process that must be fostered during the entire period of a student’s involvement with the University. The Center provides career planning and placement services that enable students to:

  1. Identify interests, skills, personal and work values and career goals;
  2. Explore occupations and careers;
  3. Make decisions relating to school, work, and career;
  4. Prepare resumes and cover letters;
  5. Learn job search strategies;
  6. Locate summer and part-time jobs;
  7. and apply to graduate and professional schools;
  8. Set-up credential files;
  9. Identify Internships and Cooperative Education placements; and
  10. Interview with employers on campus.

The Center’s staff is also responsible for the provision of university work-study and graduate follow-up services as well as the administration of the Cooperative Education Program.

Cooperative Education Program

The Cooperative Education Program, which is housed in the Career Development and Cooperative Education Center, provides an integration of university study with planned and supervised periods of relevant and meaningful employment. Co-op students work part-time, a maximum of twenty hours per week (parallel), or full-time, a minimum of thirty-five hours per week (alternating semesters), with pay. They earn academic credits for knowledge and skills acquired from work performed on the job. Students must enroll in the Cooperative Education Field Placement through the regular registration process. The Department chairperson’s approval is required.

The required courses are:

  • COOP 383 - Field Placement I (3 credits)
  • COOP 384 - Field Placement II (3 credits)
  • COOP 483 - Field Placement III (3 credits)
  • COOP 484 - Field Placement IV (3 credits)

The specific four-letter prefix will vary according to the academic department in which the student is enrolled, e.g., MNSC for Management Science, COSC for Computer Science. Students interested in the Cooperative Education Program or the Cooperative Education Field Placement may obtain additional information from the Career Development and Cooperative Education Center.

International Student Services Program

The mission of the International Student Services Program is to provide international students with the resources necessary to successfully navigate through both Coppin State University and the United States. The program seeks to accomplish these goals through maintaining relationships with federal agencies, providing a support toward attainment of educational goals, assisting with obtaining employment, fostering healthy transitions from their country of origin and assisting with acculturation and adjustment needs.

The International Student Services Program (ISSP) serves as the primary support unit for F-1 students who are studying or conducting research at Coppin State University (CSU). CSU has a rich tradition of hosting academic visitors from abroad and they comprise an important part of the CSU campus culture. The ISSP brings a wealth of experience to the issues that international students commonly encounter. It is a privilege for the ISSP to serve CSU’s international community. The services that ISSP provides include:

  • Advising and interpreting U.S. government regulations pertaining to immigration and visas;
  • Conducting orientations and other special programming that help international students;
  • Scholars integrate into and adjust to the academic, cultural and social life of CSU;
  • Serving as a liaison with foreign embassies, sponsoring agencies and educational foundations that support international students;
  • Contributing to the internationalization of CSU by coordinating programs that bring students from diverse backgrounds into contact with each other, promoting the use of cultural differences as an educational resource. The Coordinator of Student Life (DSO) is located in the Division of Student Affairs Miles W. Connor Administration Building, Suite 125.

Office of Student Activities

The Office of Student Activities is responsible for the development and implementation of co-curricular programs and activities that complement the academic program of studies and enhances the overall educational experience of students. Opportunities of exposure to and participate in social, cultural, intellectual, recreational, and governance programs are offered to students. The Office is also responsible for the coordination of activities sponsored by student groups and the provision of administrative assistance and advice to classes, clubs, and organizations, and the student senate.

Among the clubs and organizations are the following:
Adapted Physical Education Club
African Diaspora Organization
Akira Anime Video Game Club
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology Honor Society
Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society
Alpha Nu Omega Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
American Humanics Student Association
Baptist Student Union
Beta Kappa Chi Scientific Honor Society
Book Club
First Lady’s Book Club
Coppin Dancers
Coppin Models
Coppin Players
CSU Dance Ensemble
Coppin State University Gospel Choir
CSU Marching Band
Council for Exceptional Children
The Courier (University Newspaper)
Criminal Justice Club
Dancing Diva’s
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Entertainment Management Student Union
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Green Coppin Coalition
History Club
Honda Campus All-Star
International Students Association
Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Love Ya Like A Sister (LYLAS)
Management Science Society
Medical Careers Initiative
New Direction
National Pan Hellenic Council
Nursing Students Association
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Pan African Students Club
Pan Hellenic Council
Phi Alpha Social Work Honor Society
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Pi Gamma Mu Social Sciences Honor Society
Psi Chi Honor Society
Psychology Club
Royal Court
Student Activities Programming Board (SAPB)
Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish Honor Society)
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Sigma Tau Delta English Honors Society
Soccer Club
Social Work Association
Speech Communications Club
Sports Management Association
Student Honors Association
Student Senate
Student Senate Association
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)
Student Volunteers Corps
Swing Phi Swing Social Fellowship
Video Production Club
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

For additional information about these organizations and clubs, contact the Director of Student Activities, Tawes University Center at 410-951-3922


The Coppin State University Department of Athletics’ mission is to assume an active role in providing equal opportunity for both men and women by developing and sustaining programs which help student athletes achieve their maximum potential both academically and athletically.

The Department is an integral part of the University, and it strives to achieve the same standards of excellence as exist in the University’s teaching, research and public service efforts. The Department believes in the concept that the student athlete is first and foremost a student possessing individual rights, academic abilities, personal interests and ambitions comparable to those of other members of the general student body.

The Department of Athletics is committed to maintaining integrity and institutional control by observing and adhering to all rules and regulations governing its programs. This statement is consistent with the mission of the University, which is to provide high quality undergraduate and graduate education and to continue its development as a model comprehensive, urban, liberal arts university.

Coppin State University is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, Division I and the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Association. Intercollegiate athletics is a part of the total educational program and are consistent with the philosophy and purposes of the University, which selects and maintains a variety of athletic activities. The University field’s varsity teams in baseball, basketball, tennis, track, wrestling, bowling, cross country and volleyball. The intramural athletic program sponsors competition in basketball, volleyball, softball, and a variety of other athletic activities. The objectives of both the intercollegiate program and the intramural program are to help students to develop and maintain excellence in character, to provide opportunities for students in wholesome recreation and competition, to encourage the ideal of good sportsmanship, to help students develop a spirit of togetherness as an outgrowth of team work, and to help students master the fundamental skills which contribute to physical fitness and vocational potential.

Health and Wellness Services

The Coppin State University Counseling Center is staffed by professionals and paraprofessionals who will provide health and wellness services in cooperation with the Coppin State University Division of Nursing Community Health Center. However, the primary focus of the Center will be to promote a healthier lifestyle among students through the use of creative and innovative but proven preventive health practices and programming. Specific activities will include but will not be limited to the following:

  1. Targeted workshops in areas such as: stress, smoking, substance abuse, nutrition, safety, exercise and illness prevention;
  2. Referral to off-campus community agencies and individual health care providers (i.e., private practitioners, CSC, PPO Physicians’ Network, etc.
  3. Use of student peer educators to provide educational and awareness training sessions as an outreach service to the community. The “each-one-teach-one, train-the-trainer” model, etc.; will be used to introduce topics such as hypertension, substance abuse, parenting, and STD’s including AIDS;
  4. Provision of part-time mental health consultation services.

Support Services for Students With Disabilities

The Disabled Student and Referral Services Coordinator is located in the Health & Human Services Building on the second floor is suite 223 The Coordinator provides a variety of services to students with disabilities including information, referrals, and making special arrangements for on/off-campus services.

The Coordinator also provides support and serves as advocate for disabled students. These support services will enable them to access campus and community resources, such as, counseling, academic advisement, assistance with registration, financial aid, library acquisitions, and other services as appropriate. Readers, note-takers, interpreters, and other special aids can be provided, if requested at least six (6) weeks prior to the beginning of a semester. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Coordinator.

Housing and Residence Life

Housing and Residence Life offers housing and programming respectively, to more than 600 students. Each 300-bed state-of-the-art residence facility offers Living and Learning Centers, designed to accommodate the physical, social and academic needs of the student residents. The Offices’ of Housing and Residence Life are located at the North end of the campus at 2508W. North Avenue. For additional information call (410) 951-6399.

Why Live On Campus?

The office of Residence Life enhances the University experience both academically and socially. Research indicates that living arrangements play a significant role in a University student’s success. Here is what recent studies reveal about students who live in residence halls:

  • Higher Grade Point Average
  • Higher probability of graduating from college
  • Higher degree of overall satisfaction with his/her University career

Additional benefits enjoyed by student living on campus include:

  • Convenient access to classes, campus resources and events;
  • The opportunity to meet new people; the opportunity to make many new friends and cultivate new interests are endless. Many lifelong friendships come from living in the Residence Hall. The ability to participate in array of student leadership and development opportunities. The Office of Housing and Residence Life has spaces available for living on campus in the Flossie M. Dedmond and the Guilbert A. Daley Centers for Living and Learning. These residence halls are designed with all the conveniences of home. Utilizing the “suite” concept, the state-of-the-art facilities are designed in three and four room clusters with each having a common living room as its hub and self-contained bathroom facilities for each suite. Each room is fully furnished, having individually controlled air conditioning and heat. The hall offers eight suites on each floor that are handicap accessible.

Room Assignments

Only fully admitted, full-time students can live on campus. Students receive room assignments in the Residences Halls on a first-come-first-served basis based on receipt of required documents (completed housing application, housing contract, statement of understanding and medical form and the required $150.00 application/room damage fee). The application/room damage fee is refunded upon termination of the housing contract if the student does not intend to return to the hall and there are no damages/fines charged to the student. All students who receive an on-campus room assignment must sign a Housing Contract and select a meal plan for the duration of the academic school year (fall and spring semesters.

To apply for residence hall accommodations, you must be admitted to the University and you must contact the Office of Housing and Residence Life at (410) 383-5846 to receive a housing application or write to: Office of Housing and Residence Life, Coppin State University, 2500 W. North Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21216-3698. Assignments are on a first come, first served basis given space availability and receipt of your housing application and $150.00 application/damage fee.


The Office of Housing and Residence Life is located on the first floor of the Miles W. Connor Administration Building, Area of Student Development. The Housing Office maintains an up-to-date listing of rooms, apartments, and houses available for rent in neighboring communities. Referral and informational services are provided for students and landlords. The listings are provided as a service to students; they do not constitute a landlord-tenant relationship between Coppin State University and any parties entering into a housing agreement. Furthermore, the University will not assume responsibility for situations that may arise between landlord and tenant neither is the University liable for any damages that may occur to person or property.